Monday, August 25, 2008

Two Weeks

I have two weeks left before I load up my truck and travel the 200-some miles to Bellingham for begin my training as a Resident Advisor in Ridgeway Beta/Gamma. As I start thinking about all that I have to do (stuff I need to buy, stuff I should pack, stuff that I probably should start thinking about sometime soon...) I almost feel a sense of panic. In some ways, I am beginning the last year of what I consider to be my youth. It has been said that the college years are the best of one's life. Yes, I begin this one knowing where stuff is, knowing what hoops I have to jump through, and so on, and yet I am so clueless as to so many things. I am stoked to meet my residents, but I have no idea how much time I will get for myself. I have committed to playing bass on the worship team at Christ the King Community Church. Anyway, there's a whole new set of unknowns involved.

That's pretty much it. I miss Bellingham.

This lyric keeps coming back to me. It has nothing to do with anything...except...just about everything.

Jesus paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who should come
-"If We Are The Body"- Casting Crowns

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